Corporate governance, education and knowledge development
Moneo has developed a method for documenting processes that efficiently visualizes and verifies the company’s main processes.
Documentintg processes that are essential is a requirement from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. There is also an interest for other auditing instances such as internal auditors and external auditors. It is also important that employees know which processes are essential.
The documentation method visualizes the company’s rolls and responsibilities, internal controls and decision points as well as identified risks. It is also simple to include references and link policy documents.
Relationships and dependencies between different processes can be made clear. Mapping also visualizes what IT-systems that are used during different stages in the process. In addition it is also visualized which different IT systems are used in the process.
The documentation is published in a web-version that is available in a web browser and password protected. No separate application or installation is needed. The published documentation can also be available on an intranet. Moneo also offers continuous adjustments, maintenance and IT-operations of the corporate governance systems.